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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2020

Good With Love And Understanding Treat Them Like Everybody Else Shirt

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So I’m like wait, can you really  Good With Love And Understanding Treat Them Like Everybody Else Shirt  have it both ways? If your success is due to good decisions, doesn’t that mean you’re in charge? if god is in charge of everything, how can you say your decisions had any effect, unless god ceded control of everything to your decision making ability? Can you and god simultaneously be in complete control of your life? A common belief (which runs directly counter to Christian teachings, not that ever stopped anyone) is that God makes good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people.When you combine that belief with the belief that luck is simply God's will you can justify all success as being through your own merits. Being lucky just means you were virtuous enough for God to see fit to bless you with good fortune.    Buy it:  Good With Love And Understanding Treat Them Like Everybody Else Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Da...

Good Yes He’s Fishing No I Don’t Know When He’ll Be Home Yes We Are Still Married No He’s Not Imaginary Shirt

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Many of my friends are dedicated  Good Yes He’s Fishing No I Don’t Know When He’ll Be Home Yes We Are Still Married No He’s Not Imaginary Shirt  writers. Like they have been writing seriously for decades, churn out multiple novels or the equivalent per year. They are active in the "writing world", on blogs, engage community, have agents, shop for work. One, has had virtually no success. Another has sold around 5 books for a total of about one years really good salary. A third scrapes by as a freelance copy guy for a board game company. All of them are equally talented and dedicated. All of them write stuff at least as good as things I have bought off the shelf. There are some places where it takes skill, talent, hard work /and/ luck to succeed. Anyone who tells you their success had nothing to do with luck are full of themselves. Had a long conversation with my father not long ago when he got offended that I mentioned luck as a factor in success. Dude said his success in ...

Awesome Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Shirt

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During World War II, the  Awesome Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Shirt  statistician Abraham Wald took survivorship bias into his calculations when considering how to minimize bomber losses to enemy fire. The Statistical Research Group (SRG) at Columbia University, which Wald was a part of, examined the damage done to aircraft that had returned from missions and recommended adding armor to the areas that showed the least damage, based on his reasoning. This contradicted the US military's conclusions that the most-hit areas of the plane needed additional armor. Wald noted that the military only considered the aircraft that had survived their missions; any bombers that had been shot down or otherwise lost had logically also been rendered unavailable for assessment. The holes in the returning aircraft, then, represented areas where a bomber could take damage and still return home safely.    Buy it:  Awesome Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Shirt Premium Trending Sh...

Awesome Pumpkin High On Hellaweed Shirt

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We were watching Hamilton  Awesome Pumpkin High On Hellaweed Shirt  when my wife was like, that guy is Kristoff in Frozen. I made the Holden face when I realized Jonathan Groff is also King George in Hamilton as well. I couldn't believe my wife didn't mention that. It actually took me several searches, because I was looking for the King George actor and stupid google was serving me the actor Jonathan Groff from Mindhunter NOT Hamilton. Not THAT Jonathan Groff, silly! Oh, it is that Jonathan Groff. My girlfriend and I were cuddling watching Hamilton together and we both thought he looked familiar. I googled it, and shot up when I realized it was Holden. It made King George that much funnier. Neither of us realized he was Kristoff either.    Buy it:  Awesome Pumpkin High On Hellaweed Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt

Hot Grinch Hand 2020 Stink Stank Stunk Shirt

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"Seems to me like everything  Hot Grinch Hand 2020 Stink Stank Stunk Shirt  you know has been gleaned from the ones who got caught". I really hate that they didn't dig deeper into this. They don't even address it, wouldn't the brutal serial killers that can't help but repeat the same mistakes get caught regardless? If Ed Kemper hadn't turned himself in who could have caught him? How many Ed Kempers are out there that don't turn themselves in and have been killing for a lifetime. It got glossed over yet was one of the most memorable parts of season 2. I was hoping it would connect to BTK and they would discuss exactly what you mentioned. Then they didn’t. I wonder if it was a casualty of knowing the show was about to be on a break.  Buy it:  Hot Grinch Hand 2020 Stink Stank Stunk Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt  

Hot On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Shark Shirt

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You cant just leave off after  Hot On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Shark Shirt  teasing BTK! Really hoping they come back for season 3. Iirc it is on hiatus because Fincher had another movie to do and he didnt want to leave the actors all on contract when he didnt know how long it would be. In WW2, the way they determined where to put armor on planes is by looking at where the bullet holes were on the planes that came back. Where you see the least bullet holes, that's where you put the armor. Same sort of thing with (I believe) the British Expeditionary Force during WW1, when they introduced the helmet they were shocked that the amount of neck injuries actually went up, without looking at the fact that fewer people died by about the same margin that the injuries went up.   Buy it:  Hot On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Shark Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt

Funny Serena Yoga I’m Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Vintage Shirt

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They’re putting waaaay too much  Funny Serena Yoga I’m Mostly Peace Love And Light And A Little Go Fuck Yourself Vintage Shirt  money into these shows, which gives them insane expectations. Then when each episode of the show has fewer viewers than the Super Bowl, they cut it. Its a really stupid practice that might fuck Netflix over in the near future given all the other competition that’s out there. I know personally I hardly even use Netflix anymore. Hulu is my background noise app and then I just use Plex if I want to watch a real movie. Technically, it’s “On Hiatus” but ya, me too. They had at least a season or 2 worth of quality material left. I’ve started reading the book to help me cope, but it’s just not the same. Damn you David Fincher and your ADD! Supposedly it was Fincher. He was working on other projects at the same time and knew they would delay subsequent seasons. He didn’t feel it was fair to hold the cast/crew hostage while he worked on other things....

Perfect Snoopy Face Mask Joe Cool This Is My Quarantine O Ween Costume Shirt

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Yeah that's the extra stupid  Perfect Snoopy Face Mask Joe Cool This Is My Quarantine O Ween Costume Shirt  part. When this topic came up previously it was said that after 2 seasons the actors of a show can renegotiate their contracts - asking for a lot more money if the show's become popular - and that's why Netflix tends to cancel them after 2 seasons. Except in Dark Crystal's case there is no way that's as major a concern as for a live action show, nor is production costs because all the tech/puppets/etc. is already made! I suppose it's still possible that Netflix just has a policy in place to do a cost-benefit analysis after 2 seasons for ANY show and regardless of other circumstances can it if it fails their ridiculous metric. But if so that's even dumber.  Buy it:  Perfect Snoopy Face Mask Joe Cool This Is My Quarantine O Ween Costume Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt  

Perfect Stay Home And Watch Harry Potter Face Mask Shirt

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I found out like last week and I  Perfect  Stay Home And Watch Harry Potter Face Mask Shirt  still cant believe it. It was amazing! And they've already paid to have all the tech, puppets, backgrounds etc etc designed so the only thing I can guess at is, the staff rightfully wanted better pay after winning awards and Netflix historically doesn't like paying for talent. I read an article that suggested Netflix's strategy is to bring in new subscribers rather than retain existing ones and new shows bring in new subscribers rather than new seasons of existing shows which retain existing subscribers. Where does that strategy end? There is a finite number of people with the interest/ability to pay for a streaming service. Do they just expect a large enough percentage will stay subscribed, despite cancelling popular programming?    Buy it:  Perfect  Stay Home And Watch Harry Potter Face Mask Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom...

Nice Shark With Fall Thanksgiving Shirt

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Pretty sure this is a good example  Nice Shark With Fall Thanksgiving Shirt  of some other type of Bias, dude said it was one of the most watched and awarded shows yet it wasnt at all, he just liked it. It’s also a good example of just because something is objectively good or highly regarded it doesn’t make it profitable. Netflix’s goal isn’t to make good shows, it’s to make money. Making good shows doesn’t automatically make money. I watch Netflix every day and have never even heard of that show. I can’t imagine something that never made the front page or featured is one of the most watched shows.   Buy it:  Nice Shark With Fall Thanksgiving Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt

Nice She Wants The D Shirt

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I still cant get past the Dark Crystal  Nice She Wants The D Shirt  being canned. It was one of their most watched shows, won awards, ended season1 on a cliffhanger, aaaand they binned it days after it won awards. They binned it a day after it won one award which was an Emmy for best kids show.It's also not a good example of shows being arbitrarily cancelled - it was the single most production intensive show Netflix has done. It required hundreds of puppets, dozens of puppeteers and dozens of unique sets and its 10 episodes took longer to produce than any series Netflix has ever done.Short of it being the single best received show Netflix has produced, it was always going to get cancelled on cost alone.    Buy it:  Nice She Wants The D Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt

Premium Los Angeles Dodgers Mickey Mouse Champions 2020 World Series Shirt

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To be fair, Mindhunter was  Premium Los Angeles Dodgers Mickey Mouse Champions 2020 World Series Shirt  stopped because Fincher is busy with other projects and Netflix didn't even cancel it but simply put on hold. This means that it will surely feature another season? No, but they've never really hidden if a show was cancelled. Easier to get a new show a bit cheaper instead of pay out more when it’s semi-successful because the payoff for Netflix may not be as much.I imagine paying $X million for new content for 2 seasons have $X return in subs, but paying $X+Y million for more of the same show has far less return in subs... it is a business after all and people seem to act like Netflix is unique in canceling shows before they have more than a couple seasons half of the shows Netflix picked up in their early days were canceled from major networks. Yea, pretty sure anyone that thinks Netflix cancelled is only reading the headlines.David Fincher took on a bunch of other proj...

Premium United We Stand Divided We Fall Shirt

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It’s the same thing as Mindhunter  Premium United We Stand Divided We Fall Shirt  on Netflix (which I recommend to everyone). There’s a scene where a serial killer catches the flaw in their research, “You’re only talking to the ones that have been caught.” And Jonathon Groff’s face is a perfect mix of “Holy cow this dude is smart/ I can’t believe we didn’t realize that/ OMG were screwed.” Per the industry standard, season 3 is when contacts get renegotiated. If a show is a hit the stars want more money. Netflix knows what they are doing to maximize their revenue stream, and paying shit tons of money for every show that makes it to season 3 isn't the way.    Buy it:  Premium United We Stand Divided We Fall Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt

Original Jurassic Pug Shirt

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Please help us decide if this  Original Jurassic Pug Shirt  post is a good fit for the subreddit by up or downvoting this comment. If you think that this is great advice to improve your life, please upvote. If you think this doesn't help you in any way, please downvote. If you don't care, leave it for the others to decide. Reminds me of something Bo Burnham said. A talk show host asked about advice for future comedians and he responded something along the lines of "I can't tell people to do what I did, I got lucky succeeding in comedy. That would be like if a lottery winner said 'liqudate your assets, buy lottery tickets, it works.'"    Buy it:  Original Jurassic Pug Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt

Original Pitbull Merry Pitmas Shirt

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Might suck in chapters but  Original Pitbull Merry Pitmas Shirt  she still wipes out teams in lab, peaks of time, etc for me tbh. She’s no longer my go to but still serviceable. If Gwen ever dies in one of those playlists, I might bring in Shem. Yeah, oppo. She was my first 5 star. Maybe me disliking campaign (I find it the most boring and rewards are not needed) helps her because I’m not too far in. Campaign is only one part of the game. You still progress through all the events, peaks of time, voyage of wonders, etc etc. And it’s not like I’m too far behind in campaign, chapter 28, I could just be 30 if I hustled that....so all that work for 15k diamonds and going 0-3 in stargazing? Nah. Nice to see players following their heart while playing the game as they wish Instead of following the meta.   Buy it:  Original Pitbull Merry Pitmas Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt