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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2020

Funny Blessed To Be Called Gigi Summer Shirt

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Great work on your progress!  Funny Blessed To Be Called Gigi Summer Shirt   I've lost around 23kgs so far and I keep noticing myself covering up even more than when I weighed 90kgs. My perception of myself hasn't caught up with reality yet. Weight loss is a wild ride. Excess skin fucks you up man. Lost a similar amount weight right out of HS and the skin led me to develop anorexia. Skin never got better. Self esteem never got better. Surgery costs at least $8000. Even with the surgery I’d still have scars. Even if I work work out intensely, there’ll still be the ugly skin on my abdomen and large nipples. Probably just gonna hate my body forever.TMI but 20M and never had a girlfriend (partially because of my internal issues surrounding this and extreme social anxiety. I’ve also been afraid to take off my shirt even when I had friends a couple of years ago. I said “had” because we’ve all moved and Covid has just led to extreme isolation). I just wish someday other peo...

Original Blessed To Be Called Grandma Summer Shirt

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What the other person said about  Original Blessed To Be Called Grandma Summer Shirt  being thirsty, but also, eating high protein meals. Not only will good protein intake (coupled with excercise) build muscle and burn more while resting, high protein meals tend to be much more filling than carb heavy meals. Usually, when I catch myself hungry and put of calories, it's because I ate a lot of sugar and carbs, or ate a lot at once. Usually, when I find myself with extra calories to spend at the end of the day, it's because I ate savory, high protein meals with vegetables as well. Making that kind of change at 39 is hella impressive! Rock those battle scars! They're super cool and can serve as a reminder of how you can conquer anything. Congrats on the journey!   Buy it:  Original Blessed To Be Called Grandma Summer Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt

Funny Christmas Radiologic Technologist On Duty Reindeer Nurse Funny Shirt

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My doctor told me to drink a  Funny Christmas Radiologic Technologist On Duty Reindeer Nurse Funny Shirt  glass of water if I feel hungry. I can neither confirm nor deny if this works, however, because I can't stay on the damn wagon long enough to find out. I make incredible progress, lose my will, and regress so quickly. I have some medical conditions that make it so I need to lose around 80 pounds - I think about it every single damn day, but I just can't commit. I just have no self control. But yeah, try the water thing. Slow and steady wins the race my friend. My advice would be to track what you eat for a week (and track EVERYTHING, you're only shooting yourself in the foot for lying). It's going to be uncomfortable and confrontational, but that's okay. After that week commit to one thing that's gotta go. Maybe that pop of soda you drink everyday at 4pm? Just one thing that you feel is manageable to not do. And stick with it for a month. Then choose the nex...

Original Christmas Home Health Aide On Duty Reindeer Nurse Funny Shirt

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Yes! This is such an important  Original Christmas Home Health Aide On Duty Reindeer Nurse Funny Shirt  thing to point out. Your brain is unable to accurately tell you to either eat or drink, so when you need water it will send you signals that you then interpret as “hunger” when it’s really thirst. Or something akin to this, I’m not a bio major. A lot of it is personal, but for me I've found that just eating slightly less for meals and continuously downsizing was ideal. I didn't feel hungry as much and that became the new normal. No crazy calorie restrictions or diets just eating less food consistently. On the flip side of that if I ever do a big cheat day or drink a lot I'm always really hungry for the next 4-7 days. So for me eating less can definitely become the new normal and not feel hungry all the time. You just feel full after eating less food.   Buy it:  Original Christmas Home Health Aide On Duty Reindeer Nurse Funny Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This I...

Top Christmas Pharmacy Tech On Duty Reindeer Nurse Classic Funny Shirt

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Thank you! But "only" 40 is still  Top Christmas Pharmacy Tech On Duty Reindeer Nurse Classic Funny Shirt  a LOT. Especially for shorter people! I'm 6' 149lbs and I agree with you that noticing things for the first time is strange. I'm young and my heaviest weight was 260 in my junior year of high school. I haven't been 149 since maybe 7th grade. I can remember anything but being big. I love my collarbones now..being able to think that I look pretty good is so foreign but I'm glad for my progress. That's really interesting to me. I've never struggled with my weight so I can't really imagine how hard it would be to feel hungry in spite of my actual needs. Congratulations, and you look great! As an added bonus you've got your Halloween costume sorted for the next... Forever. You haven’t had the munchies? Haha, I am not overweight, but sometimes I just want to keep shoving things in my mouth despite being full. I would see this as almost more ...

Hot Christmas Patient Care Tech On Duty Reindeer Nurse Funny Shirt

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As someone who only  Hot Christmas Patient Care Tech On Duty Reindeer Nurse Funny Shirt  lost 40 recently (I'm short, though, so it was still almost 1/4 of my body weight), I'm still a little weirded out when I feel my ribs when laying down. I always figured that I had enough fat or whatever to not feel them, but now they stick out a little and I can feel them very clearly. I'm not thin either (I plateaued at ~26 BMI), so I didn't expect such a stark difference there of all places. Every now and then I get paranoid if it's abnormal, but my doctor would've noticed it during my routine physical. The same goes for my collarbone- I never recall noticing mine, but now it's pretty distinct. It's just, after probably 15-ish years of being overweight (I'm at the weight I was in middle school and now I'm barely taller and it's better distributed), I'm not used to feeling what a more in shape body feels like. Things that are normal or healthy just ...

Awesome Christmas Respiratory Therapist Reindeer Nurse On Duty Shirt

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As a guy who lost 70 lbs over  Awesome Christmas Respiratory Therapist Reindeer Nurse On Duty Shirt  the past two years, is it as weird (but at the same time gratifying) to be able to feel your hip bones when you lay down? I sometime catch myself poking them in mild disbelief. My tailbone started singing yesterday during sit ups and today during Russian twists, which has never happened before. It took me a while to figure out what the hell was going on back there! Gotta build up the booty so you have a bigger cushion. I lost 115 lbs back in college and the tailbone and hip bone thing is real. I started doing some weight lifting to add more muscle since I lost all that fat. The squats were great lol. This post speaks to me. Kudos on your progress.   Buy it:  Awesome Christmas Respiratory Therapist Reindeer Nurse On Duty Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt

Awesome Christmas Registered Nurse Reindeer Nurse On Duty Shirt

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For what its worth, back when  Awesome Christmas Registered Nurse Reindeer Nurse On Duty Shirt  I was single I hooked up with a girl from a bar. We went back to my place and before we got naked she warned me that she had some scars. They were just like yours!! I thought it was pretty cool. I even wanted to take some pictures (she said no...ha). It just ended up being a one night stand, but the next morning she said that she would have never had the confidence to hook up with a stranger when she was overweight, but now that she was skinny she was trying out her new and improved body. I was happy to oblige! Surgery can be scary, but can also be great. Don't rush into it. Medicine these days is phenomenal, but YOU have to be ready. I'm 42 and lost 50 kgs (110pnds) 5 yrs sgo, and had the belly apron from sll the weight loss. I decided to get a full abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). Best decision I made. Well worth it.   Buy it:  Awesome Christmas Registered Nurse Re...

Premium Merry Christmas Santa Yoga Shirt

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Maybe that depends on the  Premium Merry Christmas Santa Yoga Shirt  psychological impact - Idk if Belgium is the same as other EU countries that are extraordinarily bureaucratic about what treatments to pay, but usually there's some loopholes for very serious cases. I live in Austria and it's very similar here, but a lot of times there's workarounds. But you'll need to enlist a very sympathetic clinical psychologist or psychiatrist or whatever the equivalent is in your country. Someone who will recognize a need for surgery. Helps to write down if you've ever gotten stares or negative comments about the way you look now (don't go looking for them on purpose though, much staring is not really there or just accidental because people look around) and what you wrote here, you should say this ad verbatim.   Buy it:  Premium Merry Christmas Santa Yoga Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt

Premium Baseball Or Bows Gender Reveal Party Shirt

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My brother in law calls  Premium Baseball Or Bows Gender Reveal Party Shirt  them “bingo wings.” I’m not proud of saying this, but the mental image is comedic, especially since I have the beginnings of them. Thank you for this! I just went through a similar weight loss journey, and did my abdominoplasty last year. Hoping to do my arms next. You look amazing and are an inspiration. I don't think these scars are a detriment at all. If anything they are cool as fuck. And it's amazing you achieved what you did. Never stop seeing yourself as anything short of beautiful. All of you in this thread. I'm in the same boat, went from 340 to 185. Did your insurance cover this? I've been wanting to schedule a consultation. I want to do it too, first time I lost 35 Kg, I didn't know this would go this way at all... So when I saw myself in the mirror I felt depressed and defeated I didn't feel any more confident in myself than before... I regained them and more after. ...

Hot Merry Christmas Mountain Sloth Knitting Cute Shirt

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Just for perspective this is  Hot Merry Christmas Mountain Sloth Knitting Cute Shirt  what 7 lbs of excess skin looks like. It's definitely still something that most worry about when they lose significant weight. It's not "some" loose skin; it's still never being able to muscle definition or progress in those departments when they exercise, which can take a toll on how well someone keeps the weight off. Depending on how much weight they lost and how fast they lost it as well as skin elasticity it could be way more than just a little skin. Some people if they lose it super gradually it will tighten itself over time, but most cases when it's over 20-30kg you will probably get loose skin. For me it's a little bit of flying squirl arms and thighs. I also look like I fell into a lion's den with all my stretch marks but it's worth it.   Buy it:  Hot Merry Christmas Mountain Sloth Knitting Cute Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Cust...

Perfect Merry Christmas Accountant Shirt

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Essentially, yes. The trade off  Perfect Merry Christmas Accountant Shirt   is one set of scars for another. Some people may see their scars fade over time if they have good genes, are vigilant with sunscreen and moisturizer, and utilize dermatology therapies like lasers and dermarolling. Even then, the scars will likely still be a little visible because the layers underneath scars are completely different from “normal” parts of skin. However, there’s been new research out on scarless surgeries and some skin regeneration so hopefully soon in the future people won’t be trading one set of scars for another. Likewise, on the genetic side, some people are so prone to scarring that these new treatments won’t help simply because they have what are called keloids which act differently than normal scars.   Buy it:  Perfect Merry Christmas Accountant Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt

Perfect Blessed To Be Called Nana Summer Shirt

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The first week for me was hell, I  Perfect Blessed To Be Called Nana Summer Shirt  literally wanted to die. Second week was slightly better. Third week I kind of feel like a person again. Plan on being out of work for 2-4weeks and not being back to normal for longer than that. (I'm week 3 and I still have 3 drains in me). My Ex had a similar surgery, it was 8k. Although, just the lower stomach and breast lift though, not the vertical line up her stomach or arms, so OPs was probably more. But they did reposition her belly button and nipples. Saves me from having to clean it and reduces the chances of a miss alignment which would trigger me every day lmao. It would be hard for others to give insight on if they think it's worth it, $8k could be a good chunk to someone yet absolutely worth it and still completely doable but to someone could be unfathomably expensive. I think that this could be one of the better ways to spend money. If it makes you feel so much bette...

Good Christmas X ray Tech Reindeer Nurse On Duty Shirts

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I had (not skin removal) surgery in  Good Christmas X ray Tech Reindeer Nurse On Duty Shirts  an area with a big bundle of nerves, and even 5 years later touching the skin in that area triggers sensation in the wrong place, sometimes in two places at once. This happens to me, no surgery necessary. I can scratch a spot on my knee and I'll feel it in my shoulder. It's an intense twingy sensation, almost painful but not quite. You should check out Jordan Shrinks on youtube..she has a bunch of great videos on loose skin after weight loss and answers loads of questions about her skin removal surgeries. Kudos to you for getting the surgery. Can I ask how long you were “maintaining” at a lower weight before you had skin removed? I’d love to get my excess skin removed but I’m concerned about the recovery time and also my insurance not covering it.   Buy it:  Good Christmas X ray Tech Reindeer Nurse On Duty Shirts Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintyte...

Good Christmas Support Worker Reindeer Nurse On Duty Shirt

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Not me but have a relative who   Good Christmas Support Worker Reindeer Nurse On Duty Shirt  had skin removal after weightloss. It isn't exactly a pleasant experience, you are having a portion of essentially your most sensitive organ removed. But from my uncle's words on the experience (been about 3 years), the quality of life improvement long term is worth the temporary pain and discomfort. I have no clue. I don't remember him mentioning anything like that but at the same time I'm also not the type to ask tons of questions about stuff like this, I'm more of a "how are you feeling?" guy and let people tell me what they want to tell. All I know is that it was uncomfortable immediately after, I remember he took a bit of time off work following it, but he's great now and glad he did it. I'd text him but its already 3am here and thats a bit of a weird thing to ask out of the blue. Sorry I don't have more than a second hand account of the experience...

Hot Turtles Tree Christmas Shirt

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I was 8 when Titanic released. My mom took   Hot Turtles Tree Christmas Shirt     me to see it, and when Jack when into the water I cried my little 8 year old eyes out. My mom was embarrassed that her son was crying and kept telling me to hush. Hard to ignore the myriad of controversies surrounding Gibson but it's also hard to deny that he's bloody talented. I remember Joe Rogan was planning to have a guy on to talk about stem cells or something, and for some reason Mel called him and wanted in that podcast. I mean of all things Mel could be interested in. Many people don't realise how instrumental Gibson was in Downey's comeback, he insured Downey' films and offered him the scripts that were originally meant for Gibson. Well that explains why RDJ made that statement asking us all to forgive Mel for all his drunken racist shenanigans. I didn't know they were that tight.    Buy it:  Hot Turtles Tree Christmas Shirt  Premium...

Hot My Summer 2020 Concerts Footage Not Found Shirt

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I somewhat agree but I think for  Hot My Summer 2020 Concerts Footage Not Found Shirt  a lot of people the torture scenes in this movie felt more real and less over the top than something like Saw. Also the idea that the victim is totally innocent adds to the horror of it. You know, the more I think about this the more it makes sense to me. You could probably make a movie just from the part where Jesus descends to Hell. My mom took me and my brother to see this movie. I remember buying popcorn and then seeing that nobody else in the theater was eating anything. Got a lot of dirty looks. There were three movies my mom thought were important enough for me and my siblings to see in theater even though we were children. The Titanic (awkward addition to the spank bank), Saving Private Ryan, and Passion of the Christ.    Buy it:  Hot My Summer 2020 Concerts Footage Not Found Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt

Original Hipper Girl And Greyhound On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Shirt

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Apparently Passion of the  Original Hipper Girl And Greyhound On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Shirt  Christ has the same acronym as Pirates of the Caribbean. I was momentarily confused. If I remember correctly, he made even more money than Spielberg that year. Those execs just missed out on one of the biggest paydays of their lives. To be fair, those executives, at the time, would have never considered the idea of a touring movie shown to Christian groups. Mel knew how to market this movie in ways people didn't understand at the time. I had a cousin say it was the most disturbing thing he had ever seen.I didn't see it til years after that, and as non-believer who has seen his far share or horror movies they didn't like, I don't get it. I thought the movie was fine as a story, but people acted like that beating seen was something akin to scene in SAW or something. It wasn't nice mind you, but I thought it was pretty tame honestly, compared to many o...

Original Girl Gardening That’s What I Do I Garden I Drink And Know Things Shirt

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Iirc a lot of auxiliary soldiers  Original Girl Gardening That’s What I Do I Garden I Drink And Know Things Shirt  didn't learn Latin even after earning citizenship, with language becoming almost a social devide between "naturalised" (for a lack of a better word) Romans and "True" (as in born to a Roman bloodline) Romans. I am Jaguar Paw, son of flint Sky. My father hunted this forest before me. My name is Jaguar Paw. I am a hunter. This is my forest. And my sons will hunt it with their sons after I am gone. Gibson specifically marketed it to churches, sending special “making of” documentaries out and essentially building hype within that community. By the time it came out, people within the church were absolutely salivating for it.At my work, my Christian boss paid us our daily wage to take the day off and see the movie with him. He was a good boss. He also did an all expenses paid trip to Vegas the following year.    Buy it:  Original Girl Gardening ...

Good Horse I Don’t Have Attitude I’ve Got Personality You Can’t Handle Shirt

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 An amusing side effect of which  Good Horse I Don’t Have Attitude I’ve Got Personality You Can’t Handle Shirt  was how all the British and Italian actors, who would have learned Latin in very different ways, sound like they're speaking entirely different languages. Latin is a bit of a weird choice, even for Roman characters. Roman officials in the eastern part of the empire spoke and corresponded Almost exclusively in Greek, not Latin, since it was the common language of the region for centuries before Roman rule. You are totally right. Fun fact, one of the earliest histories of Rome by a Roman (Fabius Pictor) was actually written in Greek. Mel Gibson's part of a Sedevacantist Traditionalist Catholic sect that believes Vactican II was heretical and all Popes since then have been fake, so he's probably a big fan of the Vulgate.    Buy it:  Good Horse I Don’t Have Attitude I’ve Got Personality You Can’t Handle Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This...

Good Fy Da When Uff Da Isn’t Enough Shirt

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One one hand, I like discovering  Good Fy Da When Uff Da Isn’t Enough Shirt  the ways filming difficulties were overcome with clever cinematography. It's part of the art. But on the other hand, I respect movies that say and hire thousands of extras to sit in the realistic set built for the movie. This army lived in a large encampment next to the battlefield. Each day after breakfast, they marched to a large wardrobe building, donned their French, British or Prussian uniforms and fifteen minutes later were in position. The soldiers were commanded by officers who took orders from director Sergei Bondarchuk via walkie-talkie. To assist in the direction of this huge, multi-national undertaking, the Soviet-Ukrainian director had four interpreters permanently at his side: one each for English, Italian, French and Serbo-Croatian.    Buy it:  Good Fy Da When Uff Da Isn’t Enough Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt

Awesome Gobble Me Swallow Me Drip Gravy Down The Side Of Me Shirt

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Oh that's real. I kept waiting for this  Awesome Gobble Me Swallow Me Drip Gravy Down The Side Of Me Shirt  comment to devolve in some way á la ShittyMorph or that fake facts guy. He didn't kill him because he was gay. He killed him because he was a lowborn mouthing off to someone who just walked his ass up a huge flight of stairs in chainmail. Yes I always got the impression that he wouldn't have given a damn about his son being gay so long as he knocked up the princess. Kind of a precursor to Tywin Lannister. That guy's knowledge is 99.99% filmmaking 0.01% history, all his movies are beyond absurd in terms of accuracy, but damn they look great. My favorite story was when he was questioned about one of the battles in Braveheart, and why he didn’t do it with a river/creek in the middle like the actual battle.He responded with something to the effect of it would make it a lot more difficult, and reportedly one of the extras/actors responded with “Aye, that’s...

Top I Asked God To Make Me A Better Man He Sent Me My Grandson I Asked God For An Angel Granddaughter Shirt

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That happened to me watching  Top I Asked God To Make Me A Better Man He Sent Me My Grandson I Asked God For An Angel Granddaughter Shirt the TV show Monk for the first time at my aunt's house. I was maybe 15 and had never heard of anything like audio description. I watched 2 or three episodes thinking it was an interesting way to portray his hyperfocus and attention to detail when my aunt walked in and turned the audio descriptors off. Most actors understand the dangers in taking on roles that require scenes with excessive violence or dangerous stunts, but in The Passion of the Christ, many of these scenes quickly got out of hand. Jim Caviezel, the actor who played Jesus, was victim to various accidents while filming for this movie.A few of the accidents that occurred include Caviezel suffering from hypothermia while shooting in the winter, as well as pneumonia, a dislocated shoulder, and accidentally being thrashed during a whipping scene. Although these mishaps appear bruta...

Funny Houston Texans Vote Tee Shirt

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My parents watched the DVD  Funny Houston Texans Vote Tee Shirt  version of the show 24, but somehow the DVD player had a “shuffle” feature so they watched the episodes out of order and had no idea what was going on. Doesn't each episode (and the commercial breaks, though perhaps those were edited out) begin with a clock showing where these events are chronologically in the day? I was at the movie theater for Midsommar and some employee accidentally left the accessibility option on so a robot voice would describe every scene audibly. At the start, I thought it was just some artsy thing the movie wanted to do but after like 10 minutes of it, I went out and reported it. They realised the mistake, restarted the movie properly, and gave everyone a free ticket to a future movie showing.Part of me believes that had I not done that, everyone there would've been fine watching the entire movie that way...   Buy it:  Funny Houston Texans Vote Tee Shirt Premium Trendi...

Funny Every Great Auntie Says The Fuck Word Shirt

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My family watched.... something  Funny Every Great Auntie Says The Fuck Word Shirt  animated with trolls. When I walked in and asked if they wanted something to drink (i was studying in another room) they said yeah, and could I hand them the remote this movie was weird and taking too long. So I looked over only to see the whole thing playing out in half speed. Timer was on 30 min. They had been looking at a movie in slowmotion for a whole hour. Took less than a sec to get it back to normal but I still like to remind them of it so now and then XD. I did that once watching Wreck-it-Ralph after some college bong hits.Eventually the high faded and I realized "Why does Ralph sound so drunk???" "How are we only half way through the movie??" Someone hit a hotkey on VLC player.    Buy it:  Funny Every Great Auntie Says The Fuck Word Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt

Perfect If You Can’t Fly With The Big Girls Stay Off The Broom Shirt

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To add insult to injury, PayPal   Perfect If You Can’t Fly With The Big Girls Stay Off The Broom Shirt  owns Venmo. Why in the actual shit can't I send money to a Venmo acct. from my PayPal? This is all so stupid. Don't get me started on voice chat programs. Hopefully Discord is the silver bullet that has solved this one, because I swear to god the next time someone asks me to join a Skype call, I'm going to burst a blood vessel. I can definitely see the thought process: foreign independent film, must be some kind of deeper meaning to the repetition. The first time my mom rented a DVD, she watched it and then sat there scanning through backwards to rewind it before returning. Omg I did this once while watching This Is England. I was like look lady, can you stfu for a minute?? This is quite a tense moment.   Buy it:  Perfect If You Can’t Fly With The Big Girls Stay Off The Broom Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshi...

Perfect If Only Our Eyes Saw Souls Instead Of Bodies How Very Different Our Ideals Of Beauty Would Be Shirt

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No one wanted to touch  Perfect If Only Our Eyes Saw Souls Instead Of Bodies How Very Different Our Ideals Of Beauty Would Be Shirt  a controversial religious movie after the Last Temptation of Christ lost a bunch of money. Plus, Mel Gibson insisted on shooting the movie in Aramaic and Latin. My mom visited my grandfather's place one evening to help look after my aunt, and they watched 2011's Jane Eyre and my mom wondered why the narrator was so overbearing.Turns out they had had the television channel's "Audio Description" on for half the movie. PayPal worked wonderfully for years and years. It's been my go-to way to pay for things online (or send money to friends) for as long as I've been an adult with money to spend.Then all of a sudden, seemingly without any warning at all -- boom, now everyone is on Venmo. So when we're trying to split bills, or order takeout, or whatever, someone always graciously offers to pick up the tab if everyone else just V...

Premium Cow And Chicken No Animals Were Harmed In The Feeding Of This Body Shirt

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Simply put it depends on who  Premium Cow And Chicken No Animals Were Harmed In The Feeding Of This Body Shirt  you with - US and slavery go way back, and the same goes for UK and colonization. Yep. And the US is a big place. On the West Coast I think we’re more acutely aware of racism towards East Asian ethnicities because we have an uglier history (e.g. Japanese internment camps) and fewer black people. It’s not as simple as how the OP and other commenters are describing.Regardless of geography, anyone with an actual understanding of racism sees that racism towards any ethnicity is unacceptable. I suppose this question is more of a call-out to the people who don’t realize what they’re doing than an actual question, because the answer is obvious. I noticed this a while ago too. I pointed it out to one of my siblings who was very political about BLM but would still make jokes about Asians ans Indians which she would not accept if they were directed towards black peop...

Premium Cat I Am Small And Sensitive But Also Fight Me Shirt

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Depends on which white culture  Premium Cat I Am Small And Sensitive But Also Fight Me Shirt  you hail from. The US is super sensitive aabout black racism. here in the UK we are extremely sensitive about indian or pakistani racism. It depends on your culture history and what its ...embarassments are. The impression I get is that in the US "slavery" = "slavery of Africans and people of African descent in the 18-1900s". Elsewhere "slavery" = "the enslavement of any person or people".Because the US has that particular issue and segregation and the aftermath, there is an emphasis on racism focusing on black people. Or on Hispanic people.And the English-speaking internet as a whole has an identity crisis and is not good at presenting issues in a global context. A lot of things are shown in an American-centric context.   Buy it:  Premium Cat I Am Small And Sensitive But Also Fight Me Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tsh...

Perfect Yes I Am Old But I Saw David Bowie On Stage Shirt

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I think this would be  Perfect Yes I Am Old But I Saw David Bowie On Stage Shirt  best. Do a Spider-Gwen movie, reference the Spider-verse to acknowledge the multiverse, and now you're able to use any villain with a different spin on it because "multi-verse differences." Like Doc Oct being a woman in Miles's universe. Better yet have Into the Spiderverse sequel end with Spider Gwen going thru portal into her world and instead of being animated it is non-animated. It took me so long to finally watch Venom. I just had no interest in watching it since its no connection to the MCU. It wasn't bad tho. Not great, but not bad. It was very much a rated R film cut to be PG 13, that's what killed me. There was a shot of the symbiote with a rat, and they cut away. I was like "That rat totally got fucked up by the symbiote in the R cut." Buy it:  Perfect Yes I Am Old But I Saw David Bowie On Stage Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom -...

Nice Fly Biden Harris 2020 Pence Fly Vice Presidential Debate Shirt

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It is a business but  Nice Fly Biden Harris 2020 Pence Fly Vice Presidential Debate Shirt  saying Hollywood doesn't care about anything except money is being naive. It's an enormous industry and people who create entertainment even from the very top obviously care about making good content.  I think you’ll find whenever a creative person lands a job in Hollywood they immediately become robots who love cocaine and nothing more.  Yeah Jessica Drew doesn’t even fit the world they’re going for if they use her. She’s an avenger not some rogue from spider-man comics. Fret not - this will be a Gwen Stacey spider woman in a different part of the spider-verse. If done well, it'll be like venom and no one will care how it's connected to MCU spiderman.    Buy it:  Nice Fly Biden Harris 2020 Pence Fly Vice Presidential Debate Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Custom - Tshirt

Original Elephant The More You Weigh The Harder You Are To Kidnap Stay Safe Eat Cake Shirt

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It’s too bad Jennifer Connelly has  Original  Elephant The More You Weigh The Harder You Are To Kidnap Stay Safe Eat Cake Shirt  aged out of the role (unless they go a wildly different direction, like Jessica is pulled out of superhero retirement) because she was born to play Jessica Drew. Marvel has those rights and had a New Warriors show in the works for a bit, with Milana Vayntraub tapped to play Squirrel Girl. Unfortunately, nobody picked up the pilot. Happy for Olivia, but I just wish Sony would stop with this separate yet connected forced universe they’ve got going that will ultimately fail and take the Tom Holland Spider-Man down with it. That's sorta the point of business. Even to be an "ethical" company you need to first make money to enact the change you want. We just want good Spider-Man movies. The reasoning for why we won't get those might be solid, but we still want them, reasoning be damned. Buy it:  Original  Elephant The Mor...

Perfect Skull I’ve Only Met About 3 Or 4 People That Understand Shirt

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Spider-woman was her own  Perfect Skull I’ve Only Met About 3 Or 4 People That Understand Shirt  character, debuting in her own comic, and actually very rarely teams up with Spider-Man(their friendship only started in like 2008ish, maybe later, when they were on the same Avengers team- and even then it was very coworkery). I dunno how the deal works, but as a counterpoint Kingpin debuted in a Spider-man comic and remains a common Spider-Man enemy but Marvel still used him in the Daredevil series, so it might not be that black and white. Really hope it's Jessica. Jessica Drew is one of the most underrated Avengers and really deserved to be in the MCU (obviously Sony got in the way of that). Unlike most of the other female spiders she's totally different from Spiderman and has a very cool powerset. Not getting my hopes up though.    Buy it:  Perfect Skull I’ve Only Met About 3 Or 4 People That Understand Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee ...

Premium Santa Germany Flag Deutsch In Through The Snow Ugly Christmas Shirt

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Yes I’m very confused. I thought the  Premium Santa Germany Flag Deutsch In Through The Snow Ugly Christmas Shirt  deal was that they get any characters that debuted or stem from a spider man comic except for juggernaut because he got hand picked by fox or something. Does anyone know where spider woman came from? It's possible that as part of the deal that allowed Spider-Man to stay in the MCU and opened the door for Venom to join it, Spider-Woman was included in the deal for Sony to develop. So far Sony's been given the chance to cook on their own seven times - they turned in two Michelin-star worthy meals, two decent meals, and burned the shit out of three meals.At this point, I genuinely have no idea whether what they've got cooking will be any good or not. I left off Homecoming and Far From Home because those were Marvel-driven projects, not Sony.   Buy it:  Premium Santa Germany Flag Deutsch In Through The Snow Ugly Christmas Shirt Premium Trending Shi...

Nice 2020 Cancer The Fear Not The Year Shirt

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Before the 20th Century Deal, the  Nice 2020 Cancer The Fear Not The Year Shirt  character Quicksilver was in Age of Ultron as well as Days of Future Past because the rights were shared, but the MCU version couldn't be a mutant because that was part of the X-men rights. It totally is, I remember hearing that some characters weren't explicitly named in the X-Men rights, and there was negotiations between them to iron it out.Like Scarlett Witch ended up in a lot of issues of Avengers after her introduction, but she's the mutant daughter of Magneto, so both could argue that the character was their's to use. As the quicksilver overlap has shown, who has the rights involves anything a lawyer can get their hands on. The one from the clone saga, where spider-woman is the female clone of peter. I think that's the only one with direct connection to Spiderman.   Buy it:  Nice 2020 Cancer The Fear Not The Year Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintyte...

Hot Grinch Merry Fucking Christmas 2020 Shirt

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The contract between Sony  Hot Grinch Merry Fucking Christmas 2020 Shirt  and Disney includes Spider-woman as having shared rights. From their leaked contract. 'Jessica Drew' and specifically listed related characters. [Sony Pictures] may depict Jessica Drew as Spider-Woman, and Marvel may only use her without any Spider-Man-related elements. Reminds me of Magnetos children, Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch. Marvel can use them without any mention of the X-Men universe, as it was still owned by Fox. Basically, even though Spider-Woman has very little to do with Spider-man, Sony has rights to Spider- heroes because they wouldn't want another studio or Marvel themselves to have a Spider-Woman movie that could cause market confusion. The Rights are partially shared, as Marvel is free to use the name/character Jessica Drew just not in a spider-hero way.    Buy it:  Hot Grinch Merry Fucking Christmas 2020 Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season...

Awesome Grandma’s Little Turkeys Anna Olivia Logan Brett Fall Shirt

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Just 20 min ago she posted a  Awesome Grandma’s Little Turkeys Anna Olivia Logan Brett Fall Shirt  picture of (her daughter?) wearing a Spider-Man costume on her instagram. Oh that was so delightful to watch! Thank you for linking it.This interview clip shows a lot of great qualities you'd want in a director: meticulous planning and forethought, big-picture knowledge of operations and how to take things into account, respecting the employees in such a way that draws out their best performances, wanting to show different layers of meaning and emotional content within a scene, and picking up on how details build character and comedy.She sounds artistically ambitious and like she'd be a good person to work with/for. That is pretty wilde, jokes aside that is a huge fucking deal for her. Kudos to her, she is doing something right.    Buy it:  Awesome Grandma’s Little Turkeys Anna Olivia Logan Brett Fall Shirt Premium Trending Shirt This Is Season: Daintytee - Cu...